2d-Aldehyde COFs Linkers

Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a class of framework-type crystalline organic porous polymers composed of simple organic units covalently linked by covalent bonds. COFs have been widely used in heterogeneous catalysis, gas adsorption and storage, selective separation, optoelectronics, sensing and other fields due to their advantages of high specific surface area, low density, and precisely tunable structure. Monomers containing aldehyde groups are the most common and widely used type of COF monomers. For example, the crystallinity of Schiff base series covalent organic framework materials synthesized by the dehydration condensation reaction of aldehyde group and amino group is slightly lower than that of boric anhydride and borate ester series covalent organic framework materials, but has very good chemical stability. Therefore, Schiff base series covalent organic frameworks have received extensive attention and research. The 2d-aldehyde COFs linker is an aldehyde-containing monomer with two binding sites. It can participate in the formation of 2d-structured COFs.

CD Bioparticles manufactures and supplies 2d-aldehyde COFs linkers for COF synthesis. Contact us to learn how 2d-aldehyde COFs linkers can help your work.


Catalog: CDM-CH1303

MW: 124.09416

CAS No.: 823-82-5


Catalog: CDM-CH1247

MW: 184.19072

CAS No.: 5060-65-1


Catalog: CDM-CH1259

MW: 136.10816

CAS No.: 77666-94-5


Catalog: CDM-CH1241

MW: 196.24616

CAS No.: 37882-75-0

[1,1': 4',1'': 4'',1'''-quaterphenyl]-4,4'''-dicarbaldehyde

Catalog: CDM-CH1270

MW: 362.41992

CAS No.: 857412-06-7


Catalog: CDM-CH1267

MW: 236.22552

CAS No.: 57709-62-3

[2',5'-Dibutoxy-[1,1': 4',1''-terphenyl]-4,4''-dicarbaldehyde]

Catalog: CDM-CH1218

MW: 430.5354

CAS No.: 1501954-20-6


Catalog: CDM-CH1249

MW: 212.20412

CAS No.: 99970-84-0

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